At Stormshield, we believe that diversity is a strength. As we start a new campaign to raise awareness of the issue of disability among employees and help them in the process of gaining recognition, one of our employees has agreed to talk about his disability at work.
Could you tell us about your disability?
My disability occurred as a result of scuba diving when I was 14. The nerves in my ear were exposed to too much pressure, and the doctors said it was inoperable. Since then, I have had difficulty hearing in my right ear, so my hearing is monaural (not stereo). I find it difficult to hear when several people are talking at the same time, and when there is noise around me.
When you first joined Stormshield, did you discuss your disability directly with your manager and/or the HR department? If not, why not?
No, because I didn’t feel the need. My team was a small one (4 or 5 people), so I didn’t feel embarrassed about it. I always managed to find ways to adapt. During my studies, for example, I always positioned myself so that I could hear the teacher correctly, and in my previous professional experiences I was working as a dev, very independently, so I didn’t really have to worry about adapting to my environment. At Stormshield, at the beginning, I always managed to get myself into a position where I didn’t have any hearing issues, either at my desk or in the meeting room. I arranged things so I had as many people as possible on my left, so I could hear them properly.

Have your working conditions improved since you registered with the company as a disabled worker?
Yes, because following discussions with my manager and my team, we’ve set up a plan; I always have a desk placed so that the rest of the team is on my left. And now that my colleagues know about my disability, they don’t get offended if I ask them to repeat themselves, and they speak clearly so that I can understand them better.
What expectations did you have of your employer in this respect?
My expectations were just to have my working environment adapted, and this has been taken into account ever since, even when moving offices. Stormshield covers the cost of workstations for employees in need; the employee simply needs to talk to his/her manager and the HR contact to start the process.
How do you feel today at Stormshield?
Very good; there’s a real harmony in the company. They’re working to improve everyday life; it’s motivating and interesting! Before, when I thought of disability, I thought of wheelchairs, major disabilities… but because of the various campaigns, I asked myself the question: “Does this include me?” I found out more, and put together my RQTH (recognition of disabled worker status) application!