The GEIQ Hauts de France is a group of companies involved in a CSR approach through the integration and professional retraining of workers with disabilities. As the ambitions of the GEIQ Hauts de France are in line with our HR policy, our membership seemed obvious.
In 2020, convinced that diversity is a strength, Stormshield met with the GEIQ Hauts de France in order to start a long-term collaboration. This began with the provision of volunteer Stormshielders to prepare disabled workers for recruitment interviews. The aim is to enable them to improve their skills and to benefit from advice from the field.
This first step allowed us to meet candidates who could correspond to our open positions, which is why we decided to go further by formalising our membership. A membership that strengthens our ties and now allows us to hire new employees from the pool of candidates. It will also boost our collaboration, as the GEIQ Hauts de France will be participating in the POE (Préparation opérationnelle à l’emploi), which is being set up in collaboration with the training organisation M2I in September 2021 (more information here). The POE is a tailor-made training programme dedicated to our businesses and which we provide to people who are retraining and looking for work. The aim is to recruit these people at the end of the training. In this context, the GEIQ is responsible for sending the necessary information to interested candidates in order to integrate them into our recruitment through training project.
Thanks to the GEIQ Hauts de France candidates who have already been interviewed, we have integrated a new Stormshielder into our IT department. After a successful observation period and consultation with the manager and the candidate, we are embarking on a joint adventure!
This is another reason to be proud of our company, where inclusion is a daily reality.