Disability at work – testimony
At Stormshield, we believe that diversity is a strength. As part of a new campaign to raise awareness of disability issues and to help employees seek recognition, an employee agreed to talk about his disability at work.
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Disability at work – Testimony of Alain Yanacopoulo, developer at Stormshield
Each year, an information and awareness campaign on disability is conducted among Stormshield employees. This in-depth approach aims to promote diversity and to make the issue of disability less dramatic within the company. Alain Yanacopoulo, Developer in the SMC team in Lyon, gives us his testimony.
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Women at Stormshield – episode 3: Sandy Lambriquet and Mounia Bouhriz, network and security technical experts
Mounia and Sandy arrived in 2018 and 2019 and are now the only women in Stormshield's support team (known internally as the TAC). Double interview with two technical enthusiasts with very different backgrounds.
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